Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Perfect Weight Watchers Dessert

Let's just get to it: Hostess Chocolate Cake with Creamy Filling/100 Calorie Pack. One Weight Watchers (WW) Point for three mini cakes - six 3-cake packs to a box. And they are SO good!
How can you eat three cupcakes - even mini cupcakes - and only use one WW point, you ask? Fiber, my friend - man-made fiber.
As we all know, there's no fiber in the two main components of two of the great human inventions of all time, chocolate and cake. However, somebody at the Hostess bakeries have done some hocus pocus and come up with a way to pack FIVE grams of dietary fiber in three little cakes.
So, it's 100 calories, 3 grams fat, and 5 grams fiber. That equals ONE!
And oh, are they good! They have moist cake, WITH creamy center, and icing on top. Only thing they lack is the white curly line. But you will not miss it!
What's the downside? Only two, and I wrote Hostess about this one: because they are so moist - that's what Hostess said in reply - they kind of stick to the wrapping, which is about as strong as those anti-theft things they put around CDs in some stores.
And the other problem is Wal-mart can't keep them on the shelves! (Note to Hostess: Mrs. Freshley's is almost as good, easier to unwrap, and cheaper. Either you keep the shelves stocked or the Fresh' chick is going to take over.
Try 'em! You'll like 'em!

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