Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just Two Things

ONE: Vote!
I have a political cartoon posted outside my office. It shows a business suit guy, on a cell phone, standing by the statue featuring the Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima. The suit is surprised when one of the Marines says, "What do you mean you don't have time to vote?"
Unless you're dead or in the hospital - or something similar - there is NO EXCUSE not to vote ... in elections big or small. (At noon Tuesday I was the 253rd voter at my precinct; my county had a 25% voter turnout for the primary race.)
"I make a statement by NOT voting" and "I only vote at the BIG elections" and "I just don't have time" are UNACCEPTABLE when we have men and women in uniform risking their lives and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our freedoms.
Oh, don't give me that "They're fighting for OIL" or "They're dying so Bush can play cowboy." Again, you use those, you are to me of less value than television - and John don't do TV.
TWO: See the Hallmark Entertainment production of "Animal Farm" (1999). It's out on DVD, so check your local library. While you're there, check out the novel, too. Yes, it's a book! Author George Orwell's views on Communism, nicely wrapped in a story of how animals take over a small farm. Whether you have read the book or not, this is one creepy, spooky story.