Friday, December 19, 2008

We gots PIRATES!!!

I am fascinated by these Somali pirates!
They whip out into the vast ocean in their tiny little boats and take on supertankers, cruise ships - anything from which they think they can get a ransom.
They are like gnats on an elephant's butt, but the elephant's tail is short, making the gnats' success rate quite impressive.
I read that the pirates either fire on the bridge with a rocket launcher or just sneak up on the back of these big ships and climb up from the back, which is low and often has available ropes dangling. And the crews of the big ships are traditionally unarmed. Clearly, these guys are opportunists.
Somalia doesn't have much of a government, so the pirates have no worries on shore, and at this writing, the world's navies are just beginning to send ships to defend the merchants. But even they have a "short tail" - there remains much dispute and unclarity over who should convict the pirates. Apparently "walk the blank" is no longer included in maritime law.
A quote from a supertanker captain said his only plea was "DON'T SHOOT!" Apparently oil tankers emit a highly volitile gas that any flash or spark can ignite. A cruise ship apparently avoided capture with the one-two punch of speed and a sound "blaster" that can be fired as the pirates approach.
There have been some victories, but they are far outweighed by the millions in ransom the pirates are receiving. Some shipping companies are rerouting away from the Suez Canal, which hurts the struggling economy of Egypt.
Meanwhile, it appears piracy is big business in Somalia. I read that pirates are big spenders, paying $20 for a $5 bottle of perfume. And they employ a large support system, from women to make bread to men to service and fuel their "gnats," which continue to sting the mighty elephant of shipping ... at least until a better gnat-swatter is invented.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My Mom died the morning of July 20, probably in her sleep. That's one of the best ways to go, I think, because it seems so peaceful.
Mom had been in the hospital for about 10 days and was on a roller coaster - down, then a little better, then down again.
She was a good Mom. I have only good memories. She did a great deal for us, made sacrifices for us, gave us all of her love. She was a good Mom.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Solution to Many of the World's Problems

Put birth control in alcohol.
No beating around the bush with this one. I want scientists, pharmaceutical reps and brewers to find this, develop it, and get it out on the market post haste.
I just came up with the idea last week, but I share it with the world, free of charge ... I want no credit, and I have applied for no patent.
We all know what alcohol does - it's in all the country songs. And we also know what results - that's in all the country songs, too. And the other forms of music, literature and reality itself.
We can spin that the parents will "grow to want/love the child," but I work in the business and I know that's not 100% true. The millions in unpaid child support prove it. Not to mention divorces and other dreams and hopes dashed on the shores of despair thanks to a bit too much alcohol and a bit too little use of protection.
But put them together and you have something the world can use. Girls don't have to ask "Did you bring a 'raincoat?'" And guys don't have to lie and say "Don't worry, baby, I a) am sterile b) had a vasectomy c) will pull out in time or d) another falsehood that ends up changing both of their lives forever."
Birth control in alcohol, people. That's all I'm saying. Let's make it happen.