Tuesday, October 02, 2012

My newsprint addiction

Let history show that the price of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch increased 50% today, from $1.00 to $1.50. Having worked for a newspaper or two in my time, I have ink in my veins, as the saying goes. I enjoy the look and feel of a newspaper. I'm comfortable that I can scan over all the news that's fit to print at my leisure, can clip and mail some of it to others, and can reuse or recycle the remainder. I can depend on the regular existance of a newspaper to give me a report on the world as a large group of reporters, photographers, artists and editors see it - and want me to see it. And it's not just the Post-Dispatch. When passing through other towns or states, I will pick up any and all available local newspapers and obtain the same enjoyment. I am hooked. I will spend the extra 50 cents per day. I will not be pleased, but I will pay it. But I will challenge newspapers to get a bit more creative in the departments that make what I want possible: advertising and circulation. The Internet has greatly hurt the print newspaper. Classified ("want") ads are quickly taking up less and less space - especially for vehicles. And with all the other options afforded to them, folk find it too easy to pass on a newspaper that regularly nickles and dimes them with rate increases. Newspapers need to sell more ads, and get the paper into more people's hands so they can show the potential advertisers that their ads will be seen. Lots of folk are out of work. I read that in the newspaper. Newspapers need to hire these folk and set them to work selling ads and subscriptions. Let them get creative - give them special deals and let them hit the streets. Plenty of folk thrive on the opportunity to sell for their money, and they will sell. Follow the Benjamins and get more ads and more subscribers - and quit raising rates. We print junkies have to eat, too.